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Plans for 2014/15

The Future

Multidisciplinary teams in Senior Schools

This is not about Labeling its about helping.

For the School term 2014/15 we are hoping to get the funding to pilot a scheme to introduce a Multidisciplinary team into a Senior School in Liverpool to give students the ability to get help with any and all problems they have which stop them from becoming the students they can be.

If successful this could be rolled out Nationwide.

For many years we have relied on Teachers and Heads to cope with problems children have which we as parents can't cope with at home.

They may be Educational, Psychological, Physical, Emotional or any other problem a child has before and after starting Senior school.

It has come to our attention that the buck has to stop being passed around and as the the saying goes 'The Buck Has To Stop Here !'

All adults involved in any children's problems appear to want to blame others when the blame isn't what we should be looking at initially, although maybe at a later stage, what needs to be done initially is assessing their needs and what needs to be done to get to the bottom of a child's problems that stop them becoming the amazing individual all children have the potential to become.

We feel as Adults it is our JOB to guide and help children. 

This is why our vision of a Multidisciplinary team in all senior school will allow for instant diagnosis of Medical issues, Psychological issues, Physical issues Emotional and family issues or any other problems children have both on entering the senior school system and prior.

If the junior schools monitor the last year of any children they feel may have problems then pass it on to the senior school when the child leaves their care the team is pre-warned of those issues prior to the child entering the senior school system and they are top of the list of children to help.All children entering the School can then be monitored and where Teachers feel there is a need they can be directed to the team. This is on top of the present SEN needs of the school covered by the Multidisciplinary team working with the present school teams.

This isn't to label the children it is to save any issues the children have becoming problems that at present festering and slowing down their learning process and so they can be dealt with quickly and any issues that need constant monitoring to be put in to an action plan.

The Team would consist of a 5 member team covering Psychology, Nursing and counselling. It would also work with the present Educational Psychology staff and Educational Welfare officers to allow for work to be flowing from in-school to home.

The lack of link between school and home where pupils with issues has never been fully assessed and this link is crucial in the Parents understanding the needs of the child after school as much as when they are in school.

It will allow for specific school/home plans for each student needing the Multidisciplinary teams help.

Our children deserve better and more coordinated support from all of us and this approach will help in many areas and make the job of Teachers easier because at present they are acting as a Multidisciplinary team on their own covering Teaching, Social Work, Nursing and Psychology which isn't fair when they are there to Teach and help our children grow Educationally.

We see this project as a necessity in the 21st Century and we have costed it and established its cost effective nature to the school and family life.

In simply allowing any child with a recognised illness needing diagnosis be it Medical or Psychological to be assessed and diagnosed by a clinical Psychologist or to be instantly refereed by the same to the correct help not back to a GP.

This will save the NHS and Gps £1000s due to the time and cost presently taken to undertake those diagnosis but also it will speed up the time the help can be given to the child which is PRICELESS.

We have spoken to the National Autistic Society and many other organisations and the only comment from all is' How do we pay for it'.

This is where we come in. We feel it is something that should be state funded and we are asking for any big organisations to get behind this. Big business or any Business knows that if you use a cost effective system to alleviate an area that costs a company more due to inefficiency or lack of knowledge then the cost is no longer a cost

Lets get our kids the help they need to grow into the people they want to be.

Selfishness has corroded our country for 40 years and now we need to change.

In putting this system into Senior schools with the last year input for some children in junior school we can save money and save children from not achieving their true potential.

They just need our help.

Anyone interested contact me at the e-mail address below and I will let you know the full plans but the costs per 1-2000 pupil school will be approx £350k per year for the full team.

That's about £175-£350 per head with a approx 10-15% of pupils 'AT LEAST' actually needing help. 

Simply with the increase in Autism spectrum diagnosis in the 21st century which will need continue to need specialist diagnosis the costs are outweighed by the benefits of in house specialists in schools.

That's without how much teaching time will be saved by this form of assistance. Social workers costs will also be an area of saving as many interventions are not needed just understanding of the Family unit which this team system can do from a school setting.

This system although run through the school would not impinge on the Heads Authority or time but work as an asset for them to use to save his Team precious teaching time. Management meetings would combine with Governors meetings and weekly updates could be done at staff meetings.

Please get involved and help us help the UK Children achieve their full potential.

Contact me on. Please help

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